Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Skeletal System

1:Skeletal system

2: Image of the selected system

3:Description of the body:The skeletal system is the body system composed of bones and cartilage and performs critical functions for the Human body.

4:The parts of the skeletal system are: the skull which protects the brain,the rib cage which protects the lungs and heart, and the spine which is a long bone connecting from the top of the body to the hips.The mandible is the bottom of the skull.

5:Your skeletal system does not work alone. ... The calcified bones of your skeleton also work with the circulatory system. Marrow inside of your bones helps produce the cells inside of your blood. Both red blood cells and white blood cells are created in your bones.

Bonus:The body of the skeletal system is like the body of the car. It has parts that connect just like one of a car.The bodies are similar because the engine is like the brain of the car, and the body is like the skeleton.

We got the image of the skeleton from a site called miss Jackson science 7,

We got the image of the car from a site called information parlor.


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